Collection Best Practices for Condo Communities & HOAs

Ever feel like your association budget would be just fine if it didn’t have to deal with unit owners that didn’t pay on time?  When some people don’t pay it can cause a lot of stress on your community’s budget.  To help we’ve put together a list of collection best practices for condo communities &…

Remote Financial Management – What is it and How Does it Work?

Maybe you don’t have access to professional community association management services where you live.  There may not be enough business in your town to support a community association management company. Plus it’s not practical for a larger management company to be in every town in the country.  Similarly, you may not have access to a…

Community Financial Management Options: Pros and Cons

Whether you are self-managed or considering self-management for your condo community or homeowners’ association you don’t have to go it alone. The Board has several options. Besides finding a solid volunteer Treasurer you can use a full service management company, a CPA, a bookkeeper or a specialty company to help.  Continue reading to learn more…