HOA and Condo Pre-Foreclosure Analysis Tool

HOA and Condo Pre-Foreclosure Analysis Tool

If you have ever been faced with the decision on whether or not to foreclose on a home or unit based on the home or unit owner’s default on making payments to the association as required by the association’s governance document, you know it can be challenging to say the least. Using your “gut feel”…

Demo Video of ComWeb’s Community Website

Demo Video of ComWeb’s Community Website

If your Homeowner or Condo Association wants a public website with features like reserving amenities ComWeb’s Website is an interesting option.  The website will integrate with both our Tops One and Caliber software systems. ComWeb also offers Web Master services to help associations make updates to the website as well./ If you are interested to…

Large Scale Community Monthly Accounting and Financial Reporting

Large Scale Community Monthly Accounting and Financial Reporting

Who says “Bigger” is “Better”? When it comes to large scale community associations like Master Planned Communities (MPCs), Master Associations with Multiple Sub-Associations, Property Owners Associations (POAs), and even larger Homeowners Associations (HOAs), Condominiums, and Planned Unit Developments (PUDs), “Bigger” can be “Better” but only if serious consideration is given to the all-important tasks of record-keeping, bookkeeping,…